Proactive management of the ethical and responsible performance and impacts of business operations



Sustainability is one of the most significant global challenges. Organisations are increasingly required to demonstrate proactive management of the ethical and responsible performance and impacts of their business operations -- and this expands beyond the organisation itself throughout its entire supplier chain.


Stakeholder demands are increasing and ethical performance expectations are becoming more prevalent.


Organisations need to understand and monitor global spread supplier chains, while effectively cooperating with such business partners in driving continual improvement. At the same time, suppliers need to demonstrate their ethical commitment and undertaking, while sometimes facing the challenge of various specifications, codes and standards required by their customers.


Sedex is a not-for-profit global membership organisation, with its Head Office based in London (UK), dedicated to driving ethical improvements in global supply chains. Its global collaborative platform provides an effective solution for sharing ethical data among business partners, supporting an effective supply chain management and improvement of practices.


Sedex SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is a common audit methodology and report developed by Sedex members in order to meet multiple customer requirements and reduce duplication of effort in ethical auditing.


IQNet Ltd is a Sedex Affiliate Audit Company with the ability to conduct SMETA audits and access the functionalities of the Sedex Advance Platform. Click to check our membership status.


By implementing the SMETA principles and undergoing a SMETA ethical audit, organisations can demonstrate their commitment and progress to ethically responsible business practices.


Benefits for retailers and their suppliers


•   Enabled collaboration;

•   Improved supplier relationships and supplier chain management;

•   Protected and enhanced reputation and reduced reputational risk;

•   Improved competitive position for suppliers;

•   Demonstrated commitment by all parties to improve ethical performance;

•   Retailer confidence in their supplier's implementation of ethical work practices;

•   Transparency and trust through independently verified compliance (through SMETA audits);

•   Reduced duplicate auditing and multiplied information channels (through SMETA audits);

•   Undergoing an assessment based on a methodology commonly accepted by more than 800

    Sedex A and AB members (prerequisite for commerce).


Benefits for workers


•   Improved worker morale;

•   Fair, safe and equitable work environment;

•   Improved working conditions;

•   Fair and continuously improving ethical practices;

•   Culture oriented towards health and safety at work and environmental protection.