
Products which are successfully manufactured to be "allergy-sufferer friendly" are awarded the aha! label. The purpose of product labeling is to fulfill the heightened requirements of allergy sufferers’ need for informative consumer choice.

A product carrying the aha! label offers consumers better choice, clarity and confidence with regards to:


•   the product’s suitability for particular allergy sufferers

•   the minimized quantity of allergenic ingredients

•   important corresponding information (including residual allergen content)

•   additional product information (available at

•   independently assessed product and production methods

•   independent expert evaluation to assess the product’s suitability for allergy sufferers.


Consequently, manufacturers and retailers supplying products carrying the label can benefit:


•   from market differentiation based on concerns for the well-being of allergy sufferers

•   by providing products and services designed to minimize their impact on allergy sufferers

•   from the positive image associated with the aha!  Label and involvement of the panel

    of scientific and medical expertise.